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PA life coach, burnout, stuck, career, Physician Assistant, Martha Beck

Are you burned out, exhausted, and depleted?  Do you feel trapped at your job or wonder why you went into medicine in the first place?

Are you:
burnout, overwhelmed, Physician assistant, healthcare, life coach

Overwhelmed and directionless?

I’ve been there, let’s figure out where you’re going and draw up a map to get you there

burnout, overwhelmed, Physician assistant, healthcare, life coach, stuck

Burned out but can't quit your job?

Let’s hit the reset button on your life so you can wake up excited and full of energy

burnout, overwhelmed, Physician assistant, healthcare, life coach

Longing for a career with purpose?

Purpose drives us, let’s dive into what gives you purpose

If this describes you, keep reading!

You're not reading this by accident! Today is the beginning of your journey toward the version of you who doesn't feel drained and exhausted by Friday, the one who doesn't dread Mondays. 


I’ll help you get unstuck and map out the next step in your journey by teaching you the same life coaching tools I used to overcome burnout!   

stuck, burned out, career, women, physician assistant, PA, life coach
CPR: Breathe Life Back into Your Career

C: Calmness & Curiosity 

We'll work on calming your nervous system so you can get out of fight or flight mode.  I'll teach you tools to access your inner wisdom, and you'll get curious about why you’re stuck, what brings you joy, and what’s most important to you going forward.

P: Plan & Prepare 

We'll dream and scheme your ideal work situation, and then we'll plan and prepare all the steps into ridiculously easy bite-size chunks.

R: Revamp & Reroute

You're ready!  You'll begin taking customized action steps to rechart your career. I'll be your guide, offering encouragement, coaching, and accountability to ensure success. 

Clients who’ve found Hope

Hope is a solution-driven coach.  She asks deep questions to get to the root of my issues and always leaves me with doable action steps before our next meeting.

-Amy W


Before working with Hope, I was extremely stressed out and unhappy.  Hope challenged my beliefs. With her guidance, I climbed out of the trenches and created an amazing life.  Hope truly changed the trajectory of my life.

-Lauren H


Hope is not afraid to ask me hard questions that get me out of my head.  She helps me make changes by guiding me through each step of the process with love and encouragement.  Hope gave me the tools to go from feeling stuck to empowered

-Beth F

I'm Hope,
Physician Assistant, Life Coach, writer, speaker, and podcaster. I can't wait to meet you!

If you're struggling with knowing WHAT to do about your burnout or HOW to feel better, I’m here to help!


I know what it's like to feel stuck.  I experienced two episodes of career burnout which led to my decision to leave medicine.  Luckily, I was enrolled in a life coaching course, where I learned tools to transform my thoughts and mindset around my career unhappiness. I was able to heal my burnout and rediscover joy and purpose in clinical medicine!


Do you long to wake up excited about your life, have clarity around your career, and get rid of all the misery and mental clutter?


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